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Breast Lift Questions

Breast Lift in Lowell | Breast Surgery Salem What can I expect during breast lift surgery?

Your breast lift surgery will be tailored to meet your specific goals and anatomical requirements, but all breast lifts have similar components. During your procedure, incisions will be made through which excess skin can be removed and the remaining tissue can be lifted and firmed over your breast mound. This may also include a repositioning of the nipple into a higher, more youthful location.

Am I a candidate for a breast lift?

Breast lift surgery rejuvenates sagging, droopy breasts. Ask experienced plastic surgeon Dr. George P. Chatson about breast lift vs. breast augmentation. If you want only to increase size, breast augmentation may be right for you.  Some patients may require both breast lift and breast augmentation to achieve the desired breast size and shape.

What is recovery from breast lift surgery like?

Recovery from breast lift surgery is relatively quick. Many women are able to begin a mild exercise routine within one week of surgery, but more strenuous activities will need to be avoided for up to three weeks. Work can generally be resumed within one week with only minor bruising and swelling at that time.

Breast Lift Surgery in Nashua, NH Will a breast lift leave visible scarring?

There will be some scarring with this procedure. Dr. Chatson takes every care to reduce visible scarring, but you may notice prominent scars for several months. We utilize the most effective scar management techniques including the use of scar creams and gel pads. Your scars will fade over time, becoming less visible and conspicuous, but there will always be some scarring.

Are there any risks with breast lift surgery?

All surgeries have risks such as infection, bleeding, reactions to anesthesia, and delayed wound healing. These risks are lowered by working with a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Chatson and taking time to follow all post-surgical advice.

Complications with breast lift surgery are rare and most often aesthetic in nature. Again, Dr. Chatson takes great care to reduce these risks and applies his years of experience to provide you with beautiful results. If you combine your breast lift with breast augmentation, additional risks are possible. These will be discussed with you during your initial consultation.

How long will my breast lift surgery results last?

Your results should last for five to seven years or more. A breast lift procedure can restore a perky, youthful appearance to your breasts, but it cannot stop the forces of gravity or aging. You can help extend the results of your breast lift by adopting a healthy lifestyle complete with plenty of exercise and a well-balanced diet. This, too, will be discussed with you during your initial consultation.

If you live in Andover or Lowell, Massachusetts, or Nashua, Salem, or Manchester, New Hampshire, or the surrounding areas, and have questions about breast lift surgery, please contact George P. Chatson, MD, online or by phone to schedule an initial consultation today. We maintain offices in Massachusetts 978-687-1151 and New Hampshire 603-882-2103 .

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