Brazilian Butt Lift in North Andover, MA & Nashua, NH

Plastic Surgeon Serving North Andover, Boston, Haverhill, MA - Nashua, Salem, Manchester, NH & Nearby Areas

As large, round butts have come into fashion, the Brazilian butt lift has become one of the most popular body contouring procedures offered by plastic surgeons. The surgery doesn’t require any implants or foreign objects. Instead, your surgeon removes excess fat from your body and injects it into your buttocks, improving their shape while making the rest of your body look better.

With over 17 years of experience serving patients around Andover, Dr. George P. Chatson offers the Brazilian butt lift to any patients who wish to improve the appearance of their backside. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Chatson, call 978-687-1151.

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Brazilian Butt Lift Nashua NH

Should I Consider a Brazilian Butt Lift?

While there are certain requirements you must meet to be a candidate for a Brazilian butt lift, you should first decide whether the surgery matches your goals for your body’s appearance. Any surgery is a serious matter, even one that only uses natural materials taken from your own body, so you need to understand how this particular procedure can help.

A Brazilian butt lift may be right for you if:

  • Your butt is too small for your frame
  • You want more balance between your top and bottom halves
  • Your butt has a flat or squarish appearance
  • Your butt is loose or sagging
  • You have difficulty finding bikini bottoms that fit properly
  • Your butt has lost volume as you have aged

A quick consultation with Dr. Chatson should help put any remaining worries about the surgery to rest. Remember, your choice of plastic surgeon is important, especially for a procedure as technical in its requirements as this one, so it’s a good idea to ask questions about your surgeon’s familiarity with the procedure, and examples of his past work.

How Long Does BBL Surgery Take?

While every procedure is different, Brazilian Butt Lift surgery typically takes around two to four hours, though you will spend a bit of additional time in the surgical center in preparation for and immediately following your procedure. We will help you plan accordingly during your preoperative visits at our Nashua or North Andover office.

How Safe Is BBL Surgery?

BBL is a combination of fat removal and reinjection. Fat removal is accomplished through liposuction, a surgical procedure that comes with risks of bleeding, infection, and poor wound healing. Dr. Chatson is one of very few plastic surgeons to offer SAFELipo, an advanced liposuction technique that significantly reduces risks and complications.

BBL is considered safe for good candidates. Our techniques and commitment to patient safety further help in this goal. Dr. Chatson is an award-winning and board-certified plastic surgeon who performs BBL in accredited surgical facilities. He will work directly with you during your time in our care to help keep you safe and happy throughout.

What Is the Recovery and Aftercare for a BBL?

It can take up to six weeks to recover from BBL. Initially, you will need to avoid putting pressure on your buttocks, which can require sleeping on your stomach or side, and sitting on a donut pillow. Most people avoid working until this portion of recovery is complete.

It may be two to three weeks before you can resume working comfortably and an additional three before you can resume more demanding activities. During your follow-up visits, we will assess your recovery and help you determine when it is safe to resume all normal activities.

Will I Have Scars After My Brazilian Butt Lift?

Scars are an inevitable part of surgery, however, the incisions used for SAFELipo are incredibly small and, with proper aftercare, will fade to all-but-unnoticeable within a year.

Proper aftercare includes avoiding nicotine and alcohol, blood-thinning medications, and certain herbs and supplements. It also means taking time to rest, using a compression garment, and keeping incisions dry and clean.

If scars do develop, silicone scar sheets or laser scar revision may be useful in addressing their appearance.

Will the Results of My Buttock Augmentation Look Natural?

BBL uses fat from your own body to add volume to the buttocks. This helps to improve symmetry, balance the buttocks with surrounding features, and produce a curvier and more desirable look. Because your own fat is used, BBL has the ability to both look and feel completely natural, particularly in the hands of an experienced and trusted plastic surgeon like Dr. Chatson.  During your initial consultation, we will discuss likely outcomes to help you get a better idea of what your final results may look like.

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Options for Buttock Augmentation Surgery

Buttock augmentation surgery usually comes in two forms: the Brazilian butt lift procedure and buttock augmentation with silicone implants placed inside the gluteal muscles. While the implants do not require fat deposits on your body to use for injection material, there are several reasons why Dr. Chatson prefers the Brazilian butt lift.

The Brazilian butt lift:

  • Uses tissue from your own body
  • Is more effective for sagging buttocks
  • Allows you to combine the surgery with liposuction
  • Requires smaller incisions
  • Brings none of the complications of silicone

Overall, a Brazilian butt lift is safer and easier than butt implants, and offers an equally good outcome. A skilled professional plastic surgeon like Dr. Chatson will ensure that, with proper after-care maintenance, the results from your surgery will look great and last you a long time.

Brazilian Butt Lift North Andover MA

Buttock Augmentation Surgeon Serving Massachusetts and New Hampshire

Dr. George P. Chatson is a board-certified, award-winnign plastic surgeon who has built his practice on providing the best experience possible for each of this patients. He offers Brazilian butt lifts and a variety of other contouring surgeries to patients in Andover, Lowell, Boston, Nashua, Salem, Manchester, and other surrounding areas.

To schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Chatson, fill out the form on this page, or contact us by calling 978-687-1151 at your earliest convenience.

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