Facial Plastic Surgery in North Andover, MA & Nashua, NH

Plastic Surgeon Serving North Andover, Boston, Haverhill, MA - Nashua, Salem, Manchester, NH & Nearby Areas

Signs of aging are inevitable, but not always comfortable or complimentary. If you are unhappy with the way your face has aged, a facelift or other facial plastic surgery in Andover, Massachusetts or Nashua, New Hampshire can help restore a rested and youthful appearance.

Facial Rejuvenation

Factors including aging, sun exposure, lifestyle choices, and genetics can all impact the quality and appearance of your face. Because there are so many factors, no single solution is ideal for everybody.

Facial Plastic Surgery North Andover MA

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. George P. Chatson has over 20 years of experience providing customized procedures that meet the specific needs of each individual patient. The preservation and restoration of facial volume are essential in these procedures. Working with you on an individual basis, Dr. Chatson can help you determine the techniques most suited to meet your aesthetic goals and desires.

How Common is Facial Plastic Surgery?

Facial procedures are some of the most popular plastic surgery options in the United States. Featured prominently in the American Society of Plastic Surgeon’s most popular plastic surgery procedures for several years running, blepharoplasty, and facelift surgery have consistently remained in the top five. There are literally hundreds of thousands of these procedures performed in the United States every year.

How Safe is Facial Plastic Surgery?

Facial plastic surgery is safe for most healthy individuals. Before your procedure, your eligibility for facial surgery will be carefully assessed to help safeguard against serious risks or complications. All of Dr. Chatson’s facial plastic surgery procedures are performed in accredited surgical facilities where your safety and comfort are top priorities. Your dedication to following pre and postoperative instructions will play a role as well, making your choices a key factor in the safety of your procedure. We can discuss this in greater detail during your time in our care.

Who Is The Ideal Candidate for Facial Plastic Surgery?

Ideal candidates for facial plastic surgery are women and men who are unhappy with the way aging, genetics, the environment, and lifestyle factors have impacted the appearance of their faces. The best candidates are nonsmokers who are in generally good health, prepared for a surgical procedure and recovery period, and who are willing to carefully adhere to pre and postoperative directions. One of the best ways to learn if you are a good candidate is through a one-on-one consultation at Dr. Chatson’s Nashua or North Andover office.

Can Someone be Too Old for Facial Plastic Surgery?

While results will be impacted by your age at the time of surgery, so long as you meet all candidacy qualifications, there is no upper age limit for facial plastic surgery.

Facial Plastic Surgery Options

Dr. Chatson offers a number of facial plastic surgery options including:

In some instances, a single procedure is sufficient to meet your goals. Other cases may require a combination of procedures. This is determined on a case-by-case basis and tailored to address all of your areas of concern.

It is also possible that you may benefit from a combination of surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures. Again, this is based on your individual expectations. Dr. Chatson strives to provide men and women in our area with a natural-looking yet noticeably more youthful appearance. During your initial consultation, he will help you determine the procedure, or combination of procedures, that will best help you reach that goal.

How Many Years Younger Can Plastic Surgery Make You Look?

Facial plastic surgery can take up to ten years off of your appearance. Results vary from person to person and will be dependent on factors including the type of procedure you have performed, your age at the time of surgery, your general health, and the care you have taken of your body and skin in the years leading up to your procedure.

What Should You Consider Before Consulting With a Doctor Regarding Facial Plastic Surgery?

Things to consider before scheduling a consultation for facial plastic surgery include your ability to take time off for recovery, your commitment to leading a lifestyle that will assist in extending results, and your expectations going into the procedure. It is also important that you are considering a procedure because it is something you desire and not to please someone else.

If you are not sure if you would like to undergo a procedure but are curious about your options, use the contact form on this page or give us a call to schedule a consultation and learn about both the surgical and non-surgical options available to assist you in reaching your goals.

Schedule a Client Consultation

For more information on your facial plastic surgery options in or around Andover and Lowell, Massachusetts, and Nashua, Salem or Manchester, New Hampshire, or the surrounding areas, please contact George P. Chatson, MD, online to schedule an initial consultation today. Patients in and around Andover are also encouraged to call our Massachusetts office at 978-687-1151, while patients in New Hampshire can call us in Nashua at 603-882-2103.

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Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

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