Eyelid Surgery in North Andover, MA & Nashua, NH

Plastic Surgeon Serving North Andover, Boston, Haverhill, MA - Nashua, Salem, Manchester, NH & Nearby Areas

Your eyes are one of your most noticeable facial features. When your eyelids are droopy or you have bags underneath your eyes, your natural appearance can be significantly affected.

At the Andover, Massachusetts and Nashua, New Hampshire offices of Dr. George P. Chatson, Dr. Chatson can explain how eyelid surgery can be utilized to restore an alert, rested, and noticeably more attractive appearance to your eyes and he can answer all of your questions about blepharoplasty.

Facial Plastic Surgery North Andover MA

Problems Addressed Through Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a facial plastic surgery procedure that addresses issues including:

  • Puffiness in upper eyelids
  • Sagging eyelid skin
  • Excess skin and wrinkles in the lower eyelids
  • Bags under the eyes

By removing excess skin, and adjusting or removing subcutaneous tissue, Dr. Chatson can target your specific areas of concern and restore a much more appealing appearance to your eyes. However, eyelid surgery will not simply enhance the appearance of your eyes.

Performed alone or in conjunction with another procedure such as a browlift, eyelid surgery can greatly improve the overall appearance of your face, giving you the rested, youthful look you desire.

Blepharoplasty North Andover MA

Eyelid Surgery Helps with Some Vision Disorders

More than an aesthetic procedure, eyelid surgery can actually treat some vision disorders. When your eyelids droop or sag, they can interfere with proper vision. This medical condition may arise due to laxity of the eyelid muscles (ptosis) or it may be due to the heavy weight of excess skin of the upper eyelid. Through eyelid surgery, muscles can be adjusted and excess skin can be removed, restoring unobstructed vision along with optimal beauty. Due to this benefit, upper eyelid surgery is sometimes covered by health insurance. This can be discussed with you during your initial consultation.

If you live in Andover or Lowell, Massachusetts, please complete our online form or call 978-687-1151 to arrange an initial consultation. Patients in and around Nashua, Salem, or Manchester, New Hampshire can learn more about eyelid surgery by calling 603-882-2103 .

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Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

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