Smart liposuction, more commonly known as SmartLipo™, is a laser-assisted liposuction technique. Smart liposuction is less invasive and more effective than traditional methods, largely due to the use of lasers to emulsify fat cells prior to their removal. This advanced technology allows for more complete removal of fatty deposits while minimizing trauma to surrounding tissue and helping reduce many of the surgical risks common with older techniques.
Boston smart liposuction surgeon Dr. George Chatson can use this technique to remove stubborn deposits of fat from nearly any area of the body. During your smart liposuction consultation at our Andover, Massachusetts office Dr. Chatson will listen to your concerns, assess your problem areas, and help you determine if this procedure can help you reach your goals.
Good Candidates for Smart Liposuction
Smart liposuction is a wonderful way to remove fat deposits that have failed to respond to diet and exercise. It is not, however, a good method of weight loss. Therefore, the best candidates for this procedure are within reach of their goal weight and in generally good health.
Smart liposuction can be less traumatic than traditional techniques, but that does not make it right for everyone. During your smart liposuction consultation with Dr. Chatson it can be determined if this or another body contouring option will best meet your specific needs.
To schedule your smart liposuction consultation at our Boston area office, please contact George P. Chatson, MD today. Dr. Chaston serves Massachusetts and New Hampshire from his offices in Andover and Nashua.