Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. George Chatson is pleased to offer SAFELipo™, a liposuction technique that helps maximize results while minimizing complications. If you are struggling with male breasts and would like to learn more about this option, contact our Nashua, NH or Andover, MA office today to schedule your male breast reduction consultation.
Why SAFELipo™?
SAFELipo™ is a three-part process that separates, aspirates, and equalizes fat to produce natural-looking definition. A form of power-assisted liposuction (PAL), SAFELipo™ uses specialized probes to separate specifically targeted fat deposits from their surrounding attachments without impacting blood vessels or damaging tissue. Done without force or the generation of heat, risks of trauma are further reduced by this specialized method of fat emulsification.
With SAFELipo™, fat is fully loosened and emulsified prior to aspiration. This allows complete removal to be performed with an incredibly thin cannula, requiring only a small incision. Liquefied and separated from surrounding tissue, fat can then be removed without risk of avulsion injury, all while keeping blood vessels and surrounding tissue intact.
Fat equalization is the final step of the SAFELipo™ technique and what makes it stand out entirely from other forms of liposuction. During this phase, the thin layer of subcutaneous fat preserved through steps one and two is equalized with special probes, producing a completely smooth, toned, and natural-looking appearance.
Transforming Your Body
Gynecomastia may occur on its own in otherwise toned bodies. It may also accompany weight gain or be surrounded by other areas that are undefined, lumpy, saggy, and unappealing. If you are struggling with several areas of unwanted fat, Dr. Chatson can discuss combining male breast reduction with other body contouring procedures for a complete body transformation.
In addition to the chest, SAFELipo™ can be performed on the legs, love handles, belly, flanks, back, and arms to restore a more masculine and defined look. The procedure can also be combined with abdominoplasty to eliminate loose and sagging skin in the abdominal area and restore a stronger, more toned appearance to the entire midsection.
During your initial consultation, Dr. Chatson will evaluate your problem areas and discuss all of the procedures that may prove useful in achieving your goals.
Enhancing Your Results
Once removed, fat and skin will not “grow back,” but new accumulations can follow if you don’t take steps to maintain your results. Smart dietary choices and a consistent exercise routine will help ensure your male breast reduction, along with any other body contouring procedures you undergo, continues to offer the most pleasing results.
You can enhance your results through more progressive forms of exercise, such as weight training, under the guidance of a trainer. It is always advisable to work with a professional when adopting an advanced exercise regimen to make sure you enter into it safely and are able to achieve peak results without overexerting or otherwise harming yourself.
Exercise can be resumed or begun within just a few short weeks of your surgery. Dr. Chatson will work with you during postoperative visits to help you determine when it will be best in your case.
Contact Dr. Chatson to Learn More
If you are ready to explore the benefits of male breast reduction, call 978-687-1151 or 603-882-2103 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Chatson today. Dr. Chatson maintains offices in Andover, Massachusetts and Nashua, NH. He serves Salem, Manchester, Boston, Haverhill, and all surrounding New England communities.